$9 USD every month

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The Inspired Riding® Self-Study Package

An incredible package of masterclasses, virtual clinics, courses, and more!

Designed for the Inspired Rider who would like to dive into the world of Inspired Riding® on their own!


This package is available at the low subscription price of $9 USD per month.

Subscribers will have access to all of the listed programs, as well as the "Short and Sweet Sessions, 10 Day Challenge" as a bonus to keep!

What you'll get:

  • The Inspired Riding® Discovery Course  (Value: $97 USD) 
  • Face Your Fears Course (Value: $33 USD)
  • Powerfully Program Your Mind Masterclass (Value: $37 USD)
  • Balance Masterclass (Value: $37 USD)
  • Energy Masterclass (Value: $37 USD)
  • Virtual Clinic Replay (Value: $37 USD)
  • Create Change Course (Value: $25 USD)
  • Trust Yourself Module from the Believe in Your Magic Course (Value: $11)
  • BONUS to KEEP: The incredibly popular 10 Day Short and Sweet Sessions on Facebook. You'll get immediate access to the group to enjoy these videos and ideas!
  • Powerful Bond Mini Course (Free Course Included in Your Package) <<< you might want to start there

Subscribers understand that there will be no refunds, yet can cancel and rejoin at any time. 

Neither Inspired Riding®, nor Beth Lauren Parrish assume liability for your activities.

What People Are Saying:

I am more confident in my abilities, I am more resilient, and I trust my intuition more. Beth's online teaching and courses have done more for my confidence in 6 months, than several YEARS of in person lessons with other instructors.

Em Tilden

I have purchased some of Beth`s smaller courses. I am very confident riding my horse but I am always looking for "Inspiration and ideas" and of course Beth is the queen of that for sure! If you take any of Beth`s courses you will be investing in one of the best trainers that I have had the privilege of knowing.

Ineke Keough

For many years I carried the fear from a riding accident, always thinking “what if?” every time I got on a horse. I even tried some lessons, which seemed to make the fear worse rather than better. Then I found Beth’s Inspired Riding® Program. It was the soft landing I’d been seeking. Beth gives you the concrete tools, framed in compassion, to move past your fear and connect deeply with your horse. The Inspired Riding® Program has been a transformational journey, and I am forever grateful to have found her.

Tamar Reno