Replay: Powerfully Program Your Mind

A Master Class for Ever-Evolving Equestrians.

Learn how to partner with your mind-- to break free of the old programming that might be harming you and begin to install the new programming you desire!

Your instructor, Beth Lauren Parrish, is a Certified Riding Instructor and RTT® Practitioner (Powerful Hypnotherapy).

Beth will guide you with stories, images, activities, and a healthy dose of fun, to keep your mind (and body) engaged! 


  • Master Class Recording
  • Powerful understanding of how your mind works
  • Tools to help you program your mind for success in riding (and in life)!
  • Total Time: 49 minutes, including a bonus meditation!
  • Closed Captions available
  • BONUS: Inspired Riding® Favorite Things Course: 6 Modules including: Basic Exercises, PDF Downloads, Meditations, & Other Bonus Content!


What People Are Saying:

I finally listened to the master class and it was amazing. It goes with my new goal of staying calm for my hot mares. I was pleasantly surprised and it really resonated with me about talking to your future self. My goal has always been the best rider I can be. Thank you!

S.H. -United States

This class was fun and informative, with clear graphics explaining how the mind works and lots of easy, effective tips on how to create positive thoughts that bring real change. The bit about how 'positive affirmations' only work if they are ones you can totally believe in resonated with me . I know that when I've tried to flip scripts in the past, it has sometimes not worked for me because I came up with something that sounded good but didn't quite ring true. I wasn't able to attend live and I was pleasantly surprised to find that Beth's enthusiasm and humour meant that the recording felt as fresh and interactive as a live session.

C.S., Scotland

Beth is an amazing teacher - kind, caring, and compassionate.

Em T.

Beth is so inspiring and made me feel that I wasn’t alone with my fears with riding, she helped me to see things differently and taught me ways to come back to a centered more focused and relaxed place and it had made all the difference!

Linda G.

$37.00 USD