Believe In Your Magic

Access powerful tools for unshakeable confidence and clear communication with your horse, even if you're a beginner!

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Do you have a hard time trusting yourself when it’s time to ride?

Do you wish you could ride consistently without worrying about things like: injury, doing the wrong thing, or walking away feeling like you’re not making any progress?

You’re not alone! As a certified riding instructor, I’ve taught thousands of lessons where I’ve helped riders find their confidence to ride without stress, worry, or doubt.

This self-paced online course is designed to help you find solutions that are practical and powerful and can be implemented quickly.

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Does this sound like you?

You're on the mounting block, trying to muster up the courage to just go for it… 

But there's a funny feeling in your gut, a tightness in your throat, and you're wondering if it's such a good idea to ride right now. You decide to ignore these feelings, tell yourself to cowgirl up, and just hop on.

We've all been there. It's an equestrian's lot in life to push through fear and show up, even when we feel a bit wobbly.

But what if there was another way?

What if you could eliminate the stress of wondering why those gut feelings are trying to get your attention?


Would you like to…


  • Collaborate with your horse, so they're intrinsically motivated, rather than being pushed past their thresholds
  • Build trust and awareness to reduce risk of injuries and notice right away when changes need to be made
  • Get better results in your lessons and competitions as you learn how to connect on a deeper level

You can actually learn to recognize what your intuition is offering and start making the best decisions for yourself and your horse.

This course is designed to offer unshakeable confidence with your decision making. 

  • You will begin to trust your intuition
  • Trust what messages your horse is offering
  • And just. have. fun. 

Doesn't that sound better than just hoping things will work out?

Jana Wagner said:

"With this program, I've become braver and have better muscle memory. I'm consistently happier and joyful in my days and at work. It helps me see a future I had not previously thought of or imagined. I now practice with the magic tools every day, with every ride and in everything that I do. It has brought a great deal of ease and enjoyment into my life. It is literally MAGIC." 

Your horse is waiting for you to find your power and activate it. This step-by-step course will show you the way.


Don't worry, magic wands aren't required for this course. Although they can't hurt.


Your "owl" is right outside the window. Just hit the Enroll Now button and off you will go to "Hogwarts for Horse People."


Are you ready to find your power?

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Marija N.

I just completed Module 5. I must say, Beth, that this course is really well thought out and laid out. The further we get in the modules, the better we get at everything and the more we get to integrate everything that we've learned in the previous modules. The progress is very real 'cos when some things are done daily, they transform from conscious effort to just new habits.

Of all the courses I've taken for a little more than a year now, the Magic course has been the most fulfilling.

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Transformation Awaits

Check out the modules below:

No More Doubts

Build the skills you need to trust your intuition and make the best decisions for you and your horse!

Strategies to Squash Fear

Actually enjoy learning how to confront your fears and discover newfound confidence.

Tune Into Your Telepathy

A very straightforward approach to learning how to exchange images, feelings, and words with your horse. 

Transformative Tools

Learn the secret techniques the Inspired Riders and their horses love. Enhance your horse journey, with infinite possibilities.

Integrate Your Magic Tools

Allow your magic tools to all come together with your horse. Your inner power will be shining and your horse will be so proud of you.

Access Your Power

Learn how to take all of your magic to your riding. Access your intution, your horse's advice, and have the best rides ever!

Payment Plan


For 6 Months

  • Lifetime Access: Believe in Your Magic

    May the horse be with you. Always.

>>I'm Ready<<

One Payment


Best Value

  • Lifetime Access: Believe in Your Magic

    May the horse be with you. Always.

>>I'm Ready<<

Jenny Pim

"This course is amazing. You learn to activate your deeper knowing and intuition, through a series of techniques, tools, and exercises, so you can develop a much deeper partnership with your horse, both on the ground and riding. 

Horses love this kind of connection, as they are so capable of connecting with us in a much deeper multidimensional way than many of us are used to. It makes us so much more exciting and interesting for the horse to be with!

Beth's relationship with her pony Pepper is like a shining light for us to emulate. The way she talks to him, and the way he is with her is like a tonic to watch for a start, but then to go and practice what she teaches, and see how your horse or pony reacts, and how much closer your partnership becomes is truly Magical!

There's something very pure about this course, it's like an opening up, or a returning to the way we somehow could be, before life got in the way.

Believe in Your Magic is a must for people who don't want just a superficial connection with their horse, but who want to be with their horse in the way their horse would love them to be!"


Bonus: Guided Meditations

You'll find carefully chosen guided meditations for your lessons. They will help you get into a state of gratitude, build confidence, connect to your horse's wisdom, and even take you on unique journeys to enhance your riding, like never before!

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Enjoy the amazing bonus content!

Check out the videos below to explore the amazing content added by 4 guest experts!

Magic has been Magnified!


Bonus #1: $47 Value: The Intuition Tool Kit

Michelle Cohen, Incredibly Gifted Intuitive. Michelle helps clients around the globe discover their inner guidance and how to work and focus it for personal and business success.


  • 15 mp3s recorded by Michelle Cohen 


  • BONUS PDF workbook of supportive exercises


  • over 75 divination tools explained in order to choose which ones you wish to explore


  • locate your particular inner guidance tools (over 75 options offered just to get started!)


  • introduce you to an endless array of how to access the ‘unseen’ world 


Your inner guidance will become so powerful you will wonder how you got along without it all of these years.

Bonus #2: $147 Value: Animal Communication Course with the Animal Board: The first module

Jana Wagner Animal Communication and Wellness

Animal communicator 10 years

Certified Reiki Master in 3 traditions, Certified Touch for Health Kinesiologist, Certified Spiritual director through Oasis Ministries (a 2 year program)

Imagine more ease in your dialog and interactions with your animals. Join Jana and her animal friends for a deep dive into animal communication and gain the skills to learn more about yourself and your animals.


Main topics included: 

  1. Activate and Navigate your Gifts
  2. Can anyone learn this or do you have to be special?
  3. Creating Connection Meditation
  4. Practice questions and flow chart (pdf)

Bonus #3: $97 Value: Guided meditations and sound healing for Inspired Riders

With: Melissa Grogan, Certified Yoga Teacher (200 hr), Meditation Teacher (300 hr), Sound Therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, Pranic Healing Practitioner


  1. The Connection of One Heart – A grounding meditation to center your awareness and find the gentle, potent support of the collective heart space. Includes Sound Therapy!
  2.  Daily Healing – Connect to the healing energy available to you always – let sound, light, and breath wash through to revitalize, release, and focus you!
  3. Embodied Acceptance – Reconnect to your inner belonging. Integrate your intuition. Practice grace through unconditional acceptance – starting with yourself.
  4. Grounded Breath -  A daily meditation to help free your breath and deepen your focus.

Bonus #4: $25 Value: Exclusive Inspired Riding Coloring Pages

Carrie D. Damato, Dark Horse Designs

"The Dark Horse Design Studio is celebrating 20 this year! I am a one woman show that designs and produces custom product. From historically accurate costuming to cosplay; from art and jewelry to one of a kid graphic designs... Only limited by lack of a Lightsaber. "

Carrie is an incredibly talented artist, as well as an expert in the horse industry. 

She has been working behind the scenes to capture the essence of Inspired Riding for the inner child in all of us.

Find Your Power & Believe In Your Magic

Access powerful tools for unshakeable confidence and clear communication with your horse, even if you're a beginner!

Enroll Now