Trust Yourself, Talk to Your Trainer

Originally published in "Holistic Horse Magazine"

When taking lessons, there’s an unspoken rule that you should always listen to everything your trainer tells you to do, no matter what.

The horse world is filled with little inside phrases like, “Shut up and ride” or “I’m the trainer, that’s why.” or “You should have listened to your trainer in the first place.”

But what if you feel something going on within yourself (or your horse), and your trainer isn’t picking up on it?

It could be something as minor as preventing you from progressing that day or as major as avoiding an accident. Yet, your trainer is pushing you or brushing off how you’re feeling, or…

You’re just not feeling brave enough (or can’t find the right words) to express what that something is. What then?

The following words are said with great love and respect to all the hard working and incredibly gifted trainers out there, as I am...

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Honoring and Healing Your Inner Child for Better Horse Time



Every childhood is incredibly different, just like every horse out there. When we understand that our patterns were often created by the meanings we placed on experiences we had as children, we can heal and honor our inner child. 

 Here’s an example from my childhood, so you can begin to reflect for yourself. 

When I was in the fifth grade, I had been riding horses for a good two years. It had completely consumed me, much like many of the young riders, also known as the ‘barn rats’ in the late eighties and early nineties. All I could think about was riding, hanging out with my friends at the barn, and occasionally getting to go to local horse shows. I would run around like a horse at home, as well as jump over jumps without the horses after lessons. I pretended I was riding all the time.  

Now, imagine me as a kid in school, where nobody else rode horses. It was like trying to relate to aliens, as far as I was concerned....

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A Quest for the Unicorn Saddle for My Unicorn

horse life saddles Mar 27, 2024


This is about the quest for the Unicorn (perfect) saddle... for my short and stout Unicorn/Pony of the Americas, "Pepper Pony"  I’ve had my Pepper pony now for 4 years

In that time, I’ve been blessed with over 500+ rides with him…
I’ve been aware that our saddles (have used 2 different ones) were adequate but not ideal… he truly is the most willing little dude.

Around September/October of 2023, even after adjusting the gullet, our Pessoa jump saddle wasn’t feeling quite right…

I knew I needed something else… as he was reluctant to move forward with me on him, despite him moving beautifully at Liberty. He even did some tiny crow hops at the canter, so he was really trying to tell me he wasn't comfortable. (He always does his best to keep me safe). 

So I decided to just ride him with the bareback pads we have. And we still had fun!

One day when not looking for saddles, I was following one of the many...

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Five Things Every Equestrian Can Do to Help Their Horse


Here are my Top Five Things Every Equestrian Can Do to Help Their Horse

1. Strive for Harmony with Your Horse. How do we go about that? Explore new ideas, especially on podcasts like this one above. It was actually one of my most favorite podcast interviews...  all about developing harmony with our horses. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Thanks again to Ingrid Henry of Harmonious Equestrian Connection.

2. Meditate With Your Horse. When you want your horse to feel their best, taking a few moments to slow down, breathe, and get present, so you can feel your best, will set you both up for success. Guided meditations are perfect to help you direct your thoughts to what you truly want to manifest. If you're one of those riders who think about the negative 'what-if' scenarios... the meditations I created are perfect for you to shift your mind towards productive and fun scenarios instead. Click here to check them out and be sure to listen to the 10 minute "Beach...

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A Love Letter From Your Horses



Dear kind human,

There are so many things that you can get yourself focused on, which takes away the joy of us being together. We want to remind you that you are loved, appreciated, and highly regarded in more ways than you realize.

Take some deep breaths and allow yourself to settle in to really take in our words.

We are the horses of the world who see our humans as shining lights. As kind and as thoughtful as they can be. They still make mistakes, like anyone else, but they are quick to be aware and redirect and to ask for forgiveness. It is for these reasons that we want you to hear us now with our gratitude.

This is a list of all the things we love about you. Consider this our love letter to the humans who care for us equines…

1. Thank you for showing up consistently to meet our basic needs, no matter how your little bodies sweat or freeze.

2. Thank you for allowing us to share quiet moments, when we breathe and observe our worlds together.

3. Thank you...

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What's Your Party Bus look like?

We were running towards a bus stop, in downtown NYC. There was a bus already there and it started to pull away. We figured we would have to wait for the next one, but it must have seen us running, stopped and let us on. I remember my sister saying: That never happens! 


This was around 2014 and I was with my husband and sister, having a wonderful time in my old stomping grounds. My second official teaching job was actually at the Chelsea Piers Equestrian Center back in the year 2000. After Sept. 11th, the facility was taken over by the mounted police. We were walking by it and admiring one of the painted horses that were scattered amongst the city at the time. I was relieved that the mounted police had a proper space to let their horses move around when off duty, in the big indoor and outdoor arenas. 


Back to the unusual moment of the bus stopping for its hopeful passengers. As soon as we got on, we could sense the bus driver was clearly in a league of her...

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11 Things to Do When You're Away From Your Horse

If you're ever away from your horse, but still want to do *something* to help enhance your mind-body-spirit, so you can truly embody being the rider your horse can trust...

Take a look at this list I created for the short and sweet sessions challenge.

Which is YOUR favorite?

Hit reply and let me know! 

Remember to give yourself grace!


1. Riders Pilates Club: Activate & Straighten Your Seat 

2. Yoga with Adriene on YouTube: Yoga for Equestrians 

3. Beach Ride Meditation

4. Ten Things to “Let Go” Video Series

5. Bottom of this page for the Calm State Self-Hypnosis Audio 

6. Powerful Bond Mini Course

7. Audio Summit, Benefits of Intuition in the Horse World

8. Visualization Experience, 10 days, 4 mins each

9. Inspired Riding® Podcast

10. "Dear Horse" Meditation 

11. The Focus App, 26 meditations, quiz to get more ideas, and the digital journal: (3 day free trial available)


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Mental Health Tips Your Horse* Wants You To Know

Mental Health Tips Your Horse* Wants You To Know

*these tips will be helpful, even if you aren’t in the horse world



A quick intro and what to expect from this blog… I’m Beth Lauren Parrish, a horse riding instructor since the year 2000, certified since 2005, and then added certified hypnotherapist in 2022, to help those with or without horses to feel their best. 


I mention these dates to offer you a clear understanding that I felt stuck in one profession (twenty two years to be exact) and then took a big leap of faith to jump into the unknown. 


The social pictures show how I’ve been incredibly successful. I also wanted to share the behind the curtain perspective with you today, on World Mental Health Day, so you understand that everyone has their own obstacles in their minds that they often battle with quietly. 


In case you’re more into scanning quickly and only reading what makes sense in your...

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From NYC to Globally - How This Long Island Girl Took Her Love For Horses Around the World

When you let your heart lead the way, magic happens.

It was autumn of the year 2000. I was in my early twenties, newly graduated from college and ready to follow my passion. My stomach was doing flips, not only for the possibilities about to unfold…

But also as a full on empath, I was hyper-aware of the strange vibes from the passengers.

They were giving me side-eye glances on the train from Huntington to NYC. After all, I was fully dressed in my riding attire with tight breeches, tall boots, and my helmet in a large bag, just as requested by the manager on the phone. I’d ridden that same train line to countless adventures in my youth, with my parents, to wander my beloved city.

I had been one of those horse-crazy girls, who was blessed to take countless riding lessons at the Thomas School of Horsemanship in Melville, New York. After getting a degree in International Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill, I thought I would shift gears and let myself off the hook for a few months,...

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If You Want to Impress Your Horse, Do These Five Simple Things.


If you're reading this, well done for having the desire to become the rider your horse can trust!

Here's a summary of what to expect: Thoughtful, tactful, and simple ways to show your horse how much you care, how much you want to be a kind and supportive dance partner, and most importantly, that you are someone that can be trustworthy, always.

Remember: Horses thrive with clarity and consistency of character. You've got this!

Now please read on... 

After interacting with horses for nearly (gulp) thirty-seven years now... (time is so weird)... I've discovered that if you keep these five main concepts at the top of your mind (and heart), your horse will be most impressed with you. 

At the very least, they will feel more relaxed in your presence. Who doesn't want to give that to their horse?

Alright alright alright... Here we go!

Five Ways to Impress Your Horse (Pony/Equine/truly any other being that you interact with)

1. Check in with yourself first.

If you're...

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