10 Ways to Stay INSPIRED!

inspired riding Aug 05, 2021
  1. Take a few moments each morning to count your blessings.
  2. Breathe deeper and slow down–the less frantic you are, the more zen and connected you can feel to your world
  3. Try something new each Even if it is brushing your teeth with your other hand. See what might happen.
  4. Really thank your horses for allowing you to interact with them, especially riding them…It is an HONOR to be able to do what we do with these magnificent creatures.
  5. Allow yourself to DREAM BIG. Write down some goals. Whether they be the most outrageous things you can think of…or simply something you think is possible for that day. Just WRITE IT DOWN. If you forget about it later on, you can look back and think about how much closer you are to those dreams. It might really surprise you.
  6. Take care of yourself. Think about what your body might want in order to THRIVE. Each body will tell us if you get quiet enough to listen. Experiment on a menu. Just scan and allow your heart to guide you to what your...
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How Sherlock Holmes Can Help Improve Your Horse Time ...🕵️‍♂️

inspired riding Aug 03, 2021

Equestrians are often on a quest to improve their horses and their riding abilities. They take countless lessons, go to clinics, and read as many ‘top ten tips’ blogs as their eyes can scan in one sitting.

Riding horses well requires more mental focus than most people realize. We become detective-like when it comes to how the tack should fit, what kind of food protocol your horse should be on, which lateral work to play with, or how often to go out on a hack.

The truly committed riders are always thinking, deciding on the best course of action, and are willing to make shifts accordingly.

Let’s allow one of the greatest (although fictional) detectives to give us some insights. And yes, this is another ‘top tips’ blog, but we'll just go with five today (not 10). 

All quotes are of course by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:

  1. “It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most ”

When you focus on the tiniest details of...

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End Your Session on a Good Note

inspired riding Jul 29, 2021


How often have you heard your instructor say, 'let's do that exercise one more time'?

While repetition is useful in most cases, it's really important to know when you and your horse should find a happy stopping point in your ride.

Many riders trust their instructor to make the decision to end the session for them, but what if you have a voice inside of you that says, you know what, that was good enough and I think I've reached my capacity for learning for today.

Are you able to voice your opinion in those instances? If it feels uncomfortable to say it out loud, just let your instructor know that you want to focus on quality training and you're concerned that if you push yourself, things might not end well. That should open up a conversation with your instructor, so they can help you figure out when those good moments happen, in order to stop and praise your horse and yourself!

Can you notice when your horse is also feeling like they're telling you they are done?...

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Shift Your Thinking, Shape Your Reality

inspired riding Jul 27, 2021


The fabric of reality can have infinite possibilities, depending on what you believe. I’ve
learned that your thoughts, combined with your emotions, can help shape your reality. If you don’t believe this, it’s useful to do your own experiments. Our thoughts, especially our self-talk, have a tremendous influence on how we ride.

Here are some ways to shift your thinking, to honor the process of learning to ride.

If you say, “I’m terrible at getting a canter transition. I always get too tense and rush.”
Say instead, “I’m learning to wait for the right moment to canter. I am open to improving this transition and will do my best to Allow for it to feel better.”
If you say, “I have such a hard time with my balance. I can’t get my legs to stay steady.”
Say instead, “I am improving my balance in each moment. I am open to feeling steadier.”
If you say, “I’m nowhere...

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Dealing with Fear When Riding

inspired riding Jul 22, 2021

On dealing with fear:

A little bit of fear is normal when it comes to riding. If it begins to prevent you from doing the things you love, there are tools to help shift that.

Here are some ideas to assist when fear arises:

  1. Ask yourself what you are afraid of in the moment. If you can pinpoint a specific thing, talk it out (even to yourself) and decide if it is worth it to continue on. You might just lack knowledge for what you are afraid of doing. If that’s the case, ask for assistance. Ask for ways to help break down the issue until you find a solution. If you can’t figure out where the fear is coming from, you might need to simply take a step back from what you’re doing. Begin a journaling ritual, talk to friends, ask if anyone else feels the way you do, and go on a quest to find out where the fear is rooted. It could be time for a guided meditation practice or a licensed therapist to assist. I’ve also had amazing...
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Quick and Basic Tips for Training Level Dressage Tests

inspired riding Jul 20, 2021
  1. Practice in your mind, with as much detail, before your show. You can even set up a little arena in your living room and pretend you are the horse. This is great exercise also!
  2. When entering at A, create a square turn feeling and send your horse forward towards the judge. Be confident! This forward energy will also help you stay straight.
  3. Exhale when you halt and salute, settle, take a deep breath again, and Go For It!
  4. Ride into your corners and pay special attention to your geometry. During practice, try and have someone film you to help you review.
  5. Breathe through each transition.
  6. Have the slightest feeling of leg yielding out to help with your transitions. This will help keep you and your horse stay connected.
  7. Steady on your outside rein.
  8. Allow yourself to think of a marching song in your free walk. I like the Darth Vader theme from Star Wars, but find your favorite 4 beat cadence!
  9. If something goes wrong, breathe and focus on what is next. Every moment counts. Don't let a past...
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Tips on Trailer Loading Practice Sessions

inspired riding Jul 15, 2021
Trailer loading, like anything else with horses, requires the human to be in a relaxed, calm, zen-like state before even walking your horse over to the trailer. Be sure you are there first. If you have any fear, anxiety, tiredness, or anger, don’t attempt to load your horse!
Once you feel completely present and self-aware, begin by getting into your heart center and sending the idea of what you’d like your horse to do. Be completely clear about why you want to practice. Is it to go fun places? Is it to be sure you can move your horse in case of an emergency? Do you want to move your horse to a new barn? Explain in detail with pictures and words, why you feel it’s important for your horse to trust you and get in this confined space with wheels.
Then, once you’ve explained your case, ask your horse what they need from you to feel completely safe. Notice what images or words or feelings come up. If you aren’t able to receive any...
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Shake things up!

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2021

I had a biofeedback monitor on my hand and I was watching bubbles go up and down on the screen.

It was incredible to see how my energy shifts could make this happen.

I was enjoying a computer game called "The Wild Divine". It was designed to help you find your still point and then play with bringing your energy levels up and down.

We have that same kind of experience available to us, when we hang out with sensitive horses. 

How often have you noticed when you're all over the place with your thoughts, your horse doesn't want to be anywhere near you? 

However, when you can get very clear, calm, and focused on exactly what you'd like to dial in for that moment, your horse becomes curious and will often crave being with you.

So how do you cultivate that feeling your horse craves?

The first step: Release unnecessary tension.

If your body is stuck, inspiration/ideas/good feelings will ping or bounce off of you.

If you soften and relax, all that you desire can come and...

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Acceptance with yourself and your horse

There is constant noise and static all around us.

It can be found all around in the media, relationships, daily chores, and even our mind chatter.

What if...

You could get really quiet.

And sit and listen to your breath. 

Would you be okay with where you were physically, mentally, and spiritually?

True acceptance begins with taking a deep breath and knowing that where you are right now, in this very moment is completely okay. It might not be a comfortable place... to sit quietly and just be.... however, this is where you can find your most intriguing answers to life.

Acceptance of your entire now moment can help you figure out where you want to go next. If you're being pushed and pulled and flailed about like a nervous horse with a flag chasing you, you won't be able to hear the quiet connection always at the ready to help you.

All you need do is ask. Sit and breathe... and ask yourself, what do I need in this moment? 

Accepting where you are in life is key to being...

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